Due to requests for information for those riding transportation and transportation providers, here is a list of resources to consider. First and foremost, when in doubt we encourage you to reference the Lorain County Public Health site for the latest information.
Here is What YOU Can Do to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Here are basic guidelines issued by the CDC, Ohio Health, and Lorain County Public Health Department as well as Governor DeWine that assist us with doing our part to prevent the spread of germs. We appreciate everyone who has adhered to the guidance of the CDC, Health Departments, and our Governor.
Wear face covering (covers your nose and mouth) when out in public for your health and the health of others
Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, and use hand sanitizer when available
Practice physical distancing, when possible, between yourself, other riders and operator
Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow or tissue
Keep hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth
If you have a cold or flu symptoms, please stay at home to reduce the risk of spreading any illness
Here are the CDC guidelines for protecting yourself when using transportation services:
Transportation Providers Resources:
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC ) recognizes the impact COVID-19 is having on transportation programs serving older adults and people with disabilities. As Coronavirus (COVID-19) information changes daily and hourly, the links below provide you with places to find updates and additional information. NADTC recommends that you follow guidance from your local, regional and national health officials and all local, state and federal declarations prior to taking action. NADTC is actively monitoring developments and will update this resource page as we learn more.
Here is a link through our Community Transportation Association for American (CTAA). This includes comprehensive Covid-19 Safety Protocols for transportation providers.
The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and its members believe that mobility is a basic human right. From work and education to life-sustaining health care and human services programs to shopping and visiting with family and friends, mobility directly impacts the quality of life.
Interim Recommendations for U.S. Non-emergency Transport Vehicles that May Have Transported Passengers with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The link below is from the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP). The National RTAP mission is to address the training and technical assistance needs of rural, and tribal transit operators across the nation, and to support the state RTAP programs. They have a comprehensive set of free technical assistance programs and resources includes training materials, webinars, newsletters, and technical briefs, peer resources, research, and innovative technology initiatives.